With the introduction of hybrid and remote workplaces, the way we work has fundamentally changed. But a real need for authentic connection has not. The Guide to Vibe™ is the single most important culture piece your company can have.For a company culture to even exist, much less thrive, you have to set expectations and let people know what it means to be part of your company’s unique culture. Culture is not your logo on a mug, your company values taped to the wall, and a pizza party on Friday. Your culture is a vibe, and we’ve created the perfect process for extracting it and packaging your company’s authentic vibe into an action-packed, pocket-sized guide.
There’s nothing wrong with producing company merch for employees. What’s wrong is just slapping your logo on it. It’s transparently self-serving and doesn’t connect your company’s culture to your employees. Company merch should mean something. Make employees feel like insiders, not corporate billboards. Most employees will never rise to ownership in the company. but they can own the culture. Create something they are proud to rep. With every Guide to Vibe we provide real-world ideas you can run with that can directly connect with the culture drivers and aesthetics found in your Guide to Vibe™. Request our FREE Guide to Vibe™ sample here.
Is your brand having an identity crisis? Don’t worry, it’s not uncommon. Whether your brand identity has yet to be created or you have a legacy brand that needs to strategically evolve to meet the challenges of the 21st century, you’re in good hands. When The Village Dallas started their $2 billion redevelopment, they came to us to name and create 9 new brands ranging from a one-of-a-kind boutique hotel, PGA putting green and multiple F&B offerings. When The Dallas Morning News transitioned their 135 year old brand online, we subtly unified their brand across platforms. The Boardroom, who created the “salon for men” concept almost 20 years ago, was expanding to over 8 states and were outgrowing their moniker and aesthetic. We provided a full rebrand, inside and out. When Build-A-Bear Workshop expanded their product offerings for the first time since 1997, they hired us to create the 18 & over brand the BearCave and created an exclusive brand for their Bonus Club program, that is now being leveled up to part of their national tagline. And when the global brand Gold’s Gym hired us to look at how their brand logo could evolve when their 50th anniversary was on the horizon, we told them don’t touch it. We helped evolve their brand language and identity system, but kept their legacy logo untouched. And maybe dearest to our heart (and taste buds) - when The State Fair of Texas and world’s favorite corny dog brand - Fletcher’s - updated their beloved Mr. Corny for their 80th anniversary, they trusted us. From expert brand identity counsel to whole-brand creation, design and evolution, we make our mark.
PRO TIP: Taking your brand through our Brand Truth process leads to incredibly authentic identity work.
Brands are being pulled in infinite directions. Your brand can and should be able to show up any and everywhere in an authentic way. Without a solid plan, we’re seeing brands lose their authenticity as they’re stretched. We can help guide and then create the right message, right medium and right way for your brand to show up. From the guerrilla campaign we created for The Dallas Morning News that saw a massive 30-foot chalkboard make its way through the streets of North Texas, to content collabs between global brands like Puma and Gold’s Gym we create playbooks that authentically fit your brand. With our Brand Playbook model, we are able to create campaigns/content from concept to completion and provide a complete playbook on how the concept/campaign works across multiple mediums. We create/design/shoot/film/write/execute the complete concept, develop the needed assets to fulfill your media requirements and deliver those assets with a complete playbook for execution. This gives your brand the freedom to run with that playbook until you need to pivot or refresh. From creating entire brand libraries to specific content plays or performance marketing initiatives, we can create the perfect playbook for your brand.
Culture Workshop
The way we work has changed drastically. It may seem like it happened overnight, but we’re in year three of an industry-agnostic shift in what it means to work and be an employee. And brands are incredibly behind in addressing what all of this means for their culture. Your company’s culture is its brand, so if your culture is not connected, then your brand certainly isn’t.
We’re always amazed at the range of answers we get across a company when we ask the simple question, “What business are you in?” Even on a surface level, the answers varied, but on philosophical level, they’re even more scattered. We’ve created a Culture Workshop that can not only answer this question for your brand, but five other essential questions that every one of your employees should (and will) be able to answer.
Our Culture Workshop is an in-depth, one-day session with the important stakeholders in your company. And important doesn’t always mean C-Suite, a diverse group of attendees across your organization can lead to amazing culture alignment within your brand. Through hands-on exercises and discussions where every voice is heard, this workshop will lead to the development of the six essentials every employee will know and understand:
What business we are in. | How we do business. | Why we’re here. | What our success relies on. | What our culture can’t tolerate. | How to live our brand.
Culture Activation Guide
Your company will receive a 30+ page report outlining the answers to these six culture essentials based exclusively on the data mined from your workshop. This actionable report includes expanded education on culture cues to look for, how to activate and express your culture and prompts/homework to help align your company’s benefits and recognition practices with your culture.
Whether part of an executive session, company retreat, or team-building event, this workshop is a must for your brand’s culture health. These in-person workshops fill up fast. To make sure your dates are available, request a workshop now.
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Brand Truth Session
With the digital and social revolution, your brand has become immediately more accessible. And immediately more vulnerable. The day of one-way communication is gone. With the frequency your brand can now engage with your audience, your brand message must be clear. A mixed message can kill your authenticity, kill your credibility, and kill your brand. The stakes are high. Your brand must have a truth and has to live it.
We can help you find it, define it and express it. So every corner of your brand knows not only what to say and how to say it, but when and where it’s said. Our half-day Brand Truth Session gives your brand an authentic stake in the ground. With your brand’s stakeholders, through hands-on exercises and discussions, we will:
• Find your Brand’s Purpose Quadrant
• Discover (or in some cases confirm or challenge) your Brand’s Archetype.
• Derive your Brand’s tone from your archetype and distill it to a 4-word system. (Incredibly, more brands are experimenting with AI copywriters to craft brand messaging. Having a true archetype and tone to inform these new AI offerings should be authentic to your brand, not just a guess).
Our Brand Truth Session is available in-person or online. Find your half-day and get it on our schedule fast. Your brand can’t afford to wait.
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Brand & Culture Alignment | Bundle
Bundling the Brand Truth Session into the Culture Workshop brings the inner workings of your brand’s purpose quadrant, archetype and potential sub archetypes into the psychology behind the 6 essentials your culture relies on. Your bundled deliverable will include the a step by step integration of the Brand Truth foundation and how it directly impacts and informs your culture piece.